what user did you use with saned -d? and this post comes to mind-
http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/sane-devel/2002-September/004235.html allan 2008/2/27 Gregg Garza <gregg_a_g at yahoo.com>: > Sorry if this is not the right place to send this kind of problem. > > I have a small network of computers at home. I just got an Epson V200 > scanner and have been mostly successful in getting it running with "iscan" > and "xsane" frontends (using the avasys proprietary driver and plugin). I > can run the scanner from my athlon (32 bit) under ubuntu hardy locally and I > can access it over the network from any of my other computers using saned. > > If I connect the scanner directly to my amd64-x2 running ubuntu hardy (64) I > can scan locally with "iscan" or "xsane" frontends (using the avasys > proprietary driver and plugin) and using "libsane and sane-utils" for i386 > (dpkg -i --force-all). > > Now, if I run saned -d on the amd64-x2 I can connect from my other machines > and run "iscan" or "xsane" frontends. Here is the output from the amd64-2 > in this situation > > ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > gregg at g2-xubuntu:/etc/init.d$ scanimage -L > [sanei_debug] Setting debug level of dll to 0. > [sanei_debug] Setting debug level of net to 128. > [net] sane_init: authorize = 0x804ae30, version_code = 0xff962508 > [net] sane_init: SANE net backend version 1.0.14 (AF-indep+IPv6) from > sane-backends 1.0.18-cvs > [net] sane_init: Client has little endian byte order > [net] sane_init: searching for config file > [net] sane_init: trying to add > [net] add_device: adding backend > [net] add_device: backend added > [net] sane_init: done reading config > [net] sane_init: evaluating environment variable SANE_NET_HOSTS > [net] sane_init: evaluating environment variable SANE_NET_TIMEOUT > [net] sane_init: done > [net] sane_get_devices: local_only = 0 > [net] connect_dev: trying to connect to > [net] connect_dev: [0] connection succeeded (IPv4) > [net] connect_dev: sanei_w_init > [net] connect_dev: net_init (user=gregg, local version=1.0.3) > [net] connect_dev: freeing init reply (status=Success, remote version=1.0.3) > [net] connect_dev: done > [net] sane_get_devices: got > [net] sane_get_devices: finished (1 devices) > device `epkowa:libusb:001:002' is a Epson Perfection V200 flatbed scanner > device `net:' is a Epson Perfection V200 > flatbed scanner > [net] sane_exit: exiting > [net] sane_exit: closing dev 0x8065748, ctl=3 > [net] sane_exit: finished. > > ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > > Great! The epkowa and net devices are listed as you can see. > > > Now if I start xinetd and try again, this is what I get. > > > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% > gregg at g2-xubuntu:/etc/init.d$ scanimage -L > [sanei_debug] Setting debug level of dll to 0. > [sanei_debug] Setting debug level of net to 128. > [net] sane_init: authorize = 0x804ae30, version_code = 0xffb67f18 > [net] sane_init: SANE net backend version 1.0.14 (AF-indep+IPv6) from > sane-backends 1.0.18-cvs > [net] sane_init: Client has little endian byte order > [net] sane_init: searching for config file > [net] sane_init: trying to add > [net] add_device: adding backend > [net] add_device: backend added > [net] sane_init: done reading config > [net] sane_init: evaluating environment variable SANE_NET_HOSTS > [net] sane_init: evaluating environment variable SANE_NET_TIMEOUT > [net] sane_init: done > [net] sane_get_devices: local_only = 0 > [net] connect_dev: trying to connect to > [net] connect_dev: [0] connection succeeded (IPv4) > [net] connect_dev: sanei_w_init > [net] connect_dev: net_init (user=gregg, local version=1.0.3) > [net] connect_dev: freeing init reply (status=Unknown SANE status code > 1667329132, remote version=105.110.26400) > [net] connect_dev: access to denied > [net] connect_dev: closing connection to > [net] sane_get_devices: ignoring failure to connect to > [net] sane_get_devices: finished (0 devices) > device `epkowa:libusb:001:002' is a Epson Perfection V200 flatbed scanner > [net] sane_exit: exiting > [net] sane_exit: closing dev 0x8065748, ctl=-1 > [net] sane_exit: finished. > > > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% > > [net] connect_dev: freeing init reply (status=Unknown SANE status code > 1667329132, remote version=105.110.26400) > > This doesn't look good to me. I am guessing this is a problem with my > xinetd.conf setup, permissions, or something like that and not actually a > problem with saned. Am I on the right path? > > This is my xinetd.conf > > # Simple configuration file for xinetd > # > # Some defaults, and include /etc/xinetd.d/ > > defaults > { > > # Please note that you need a log_type line to be able to use log_on_success > # and log_on_failure. The default is the following : > # log_type = SYSLOG daemon info > > } > > > # default: off > # description: The sane server accepts requests > # for network access to a local scanner via the > # network. > service sane-port > { > port = 6566 > socket_type = stream > wait = no > user = saned > group = scanner > server = /usr/sbin/saned > } > > I have tried group = scanner and group = saned, but neither one works. > > Any suggestions? Thanks in advance! > > > > > -- > sane-devel mailing list: sane-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org > http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/sane-devel > Unsubscribe: Send mail with subject "unsubscribe your_password" > to sane-devel-request at lists.alioth.debian.org > -- "The truth is an offense, but not a sin"