Alessandro Zummo <azummo-lists at> writes:

> On Thu, 24 Apr 2008 16:05:32 +0900
> Olaf Meeuwissen <olaf.meeuwissen at> wrote:
>> Not yet.  There are plans to at least provide updated plugins for the
>> more recent models.  Exactly which ones and when they will be released
>> is up in the air.
>  what's changed between the old and the new plugins that introduced
>  incompatibilities? 

Well, there's only one new plugin at the moment, but we've added
support for high resolutions (>3200dpi) to iscan.  On the backend side
that means we are setting the horizontal and vertical resolutions
independently based on information from the 'ESC i' command.

The problem is that all those old plugin-requiring models don't accept
just any ole combination of the two.  In the new plugin, the one for
the Perfection V500 PHOTO (GT-X770), I've doctored it so that feeding
it an 'ESC i' returns only allowed combinations (depending on whether
you want to scan from the flatbed or TPU or ADF) and all is well.  The
old plugins return info that more often than not results in an invalid
argument, even for the lower resolutions.

The result is that trying to use iscan-2.11.0 with those old plugins
will make it just about impossible to scan anything.  All you get are
invalid argument errors.

>> BTW, as of 2008-04-01 our company changed its name, again.  It is now
>> AVASYS Corporation, without the EPSON.
>  :-D that's funny strategy :) 

Hope this helps,
Olaf Meeuwissen                   FLOSS Engineer -- AVASYS Corporation
FSF Associate Member #1962           sign up at

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