Hello, Yesterday I added CCD_CANONLIDE90 in genesys.c. I did two successive scans (result on http://ggastebois.free.fr/lide90_snoop/25_test1.zip). The first one gives a bright image (1_test1.txt), the second a dark image (3_test1.txt). Which log seeems to be the best for calibration ? (in 3_test1.txt, I see device I/O errors !!!) What are good values for offset_calibration: black/white pixels ?
Another thing : Pierre, you send me few weeks ago a code named entropy2D.c. I compile it with : gcc -c entropy2D.c, gcc -lm -o entropy2D entropy2D.o. No errors. I call it with entropy2D ./offset1_1.pnm and it makes nothing and newer gives hand back !!! What did I wrong ??? (I want to test common nibbles). For scanner locks up writing 0x41=0xf4, It signify that scanner things he's not hat home position. (home position : 0x41=0xfc). I thing it will be interessting to move a little bit head. How to do that ? My explanation is that on previous scan, the head has pressed home switch, but if head after that moves (less than a millimeter is enought) switch can no more be pressed. So moving back head may be usefull (but Isn't still made ?) I did another ant work : comparing all regs from windows snoop to sane and I find these differences : addr |sane |windows|comments _____|_______|_______|______________________________________________________ 09 |10 |21 |MCNTSET[1:0] CLKSET[1:0] BACKSCAN ENHANCE SHORTTG NWAIT 16 |20 |02 |CTRLHI TOSHIBA TGINV CK1INV CK2INV CTRLINV CKDIS CTRLDIS 19 |50 |ff |EXPDMY[7:0] 1a |00 |24 |X X MANUAL3 MANUAL1 CK4INV CK3INV LINECLP X 1d |02 |04 |CK4LOW CK3LOW CK1LOW TGSHLD[4:0] 52 |02 |02 |RHI[4:0] 53 |07 |04 |RLOW[4:0] 54 |00 |02 |GHI[4:0] 55 |00 |04 |GLOW[4:0] 56 |00 |02 |BHI[4:0] 57 |00 |04 |BLOW[4:0] 5d |00 |20 |HISPD[7:0] 5e |02 |41 |DECSEL[2:0] STOPTIM[4:0] 5f |00 |40 |FMOVDEC[7:0] 67 |00 |40 |STEPSEL[1:0] MTRPWM[5:0] 68 |00 |40 |FSTPSEL[1:0] FASTPWM[5:0] 69 |00 |08 |FSHDEC[7:0] 6a |00 |04 |FMOVNO[7:0] 70 |21 |05 |X X X RSH[4:0] 72 |00 |07 |X X X CPH[4:0] 73 |00 |09 |X X X CPL[4:0] 75 |00 |01 |CK1MAP[15:8] 76 |00 |ff |CK1MAP[7:0] 79 |00 |3f |CK3MAP[7:0] 7c |00 |1e |CK4MAP[7:0] 7d |00 |11 |CK1NEG CK3NEG CK4NEG RSNEG CPNEG BSMPNEG VSMPNEG DLYSET 7f |00 |50 |BSMPDLY[1:0] VSMPDLY[1:0] LEDCNT[3:0] 82 |00 |0f |ROFFSET[7:0] 84 |00 |0e |GOFFSET[7:0] 86 |00 |0d |BOFFSET[7:0] I think regs 09, 16, 19, 1a, 1d, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 70, 72, 73, 75, 76, 79, 7c, 7d, 7f may be interessting, but I'll try to modify all. My next work will be analysing windows snoop for gpio transaction. Regards Guillaume