are you sure the xinetd or inetd (which ever your distro uses, i'm not
sure) is set to start at boot up?


On 3/1/08, Geoff Lane <bunsen at> wrote:
> I have an Ubuntu (V7.10) Linux system loaded with a Hewlett Packard
>  C5280 MFP connected, other XP laptops can access the printer fine. The
>  scanner functions work fine on my Linux machine.
>  I am having a few problems with saned, I have followed the advice in the
>  MAN pages for setting up for network access but for some reason sane is
>  not broadcasting after boot.
>  I have the correct entries in inetrd, saned.conf and services but still
>  no port 6566 shows if I do a local scan.
>  If I run saned from the control line then 6566 shows on a port scan but
>  then drops, if instead of the scan I try a remote connection scan I
>  manage to connect but saned drops as soon as the connection is finished.
>  Below is the output from running saned -d6  the gap is where it pauses
>  waiting for a connection.
>  geoff at challenger:~$ saned -d6
>  [saned] main: starting debug mode (level 6)
>  [saned] main: trying to get port for service `sane-port' (getaddrinfo)
>  [saned] main: [0] socket () using IPv6
>  [saned] main: [0] setsockopt ()
>  [saned] main: [0] bind () to port 6566
>  [saned] main: [0] listen ()
>  [saned] main: [1] socket () using IPv4
>  [saned] main: [1] setsockopt ()
>  [saned] main: [1] bind () to port 6566
>  [saned] main: [1] bind failed: Address already in use
>  [saned] main: waiting for control connection
>  [saned] saned (AF-indep+IPv6) from sane-backends 1.0.18-cvs ready
>  [saned] check_host: detected an IPv4-mapped address
>  [saned] check_host: access by remote host: ::ffff:
>  [saned] check_host: remote host is IN_LOOPBACK: access granted
>  [saned] init: access granted
>  [saned] init: bad status=22 or procnum=-1079736956
>  [saned] quit: exiting
>  geoff at challenger:~$
>  Any ideas what may be wrong appreciated.
>  Geoff Lane
>  --
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