On Dec 19, 2007 12:48 PM, Oliver Rauch <Oliver.Rauch at rauch-domain.de> wrote:
> Hello.
> As most of you know I am against the recent development of the SANE1
> standard. We have an almost complete SANE2 standard and a good working
> SANE1 standard. What is happening in the moment is the destruction of
> all we have. This will end in a chaos.
> I don`t understand why nobody wants to start with SANE2. It will take a
> weekend of work to create a SANE2 backend from an existing SANE1
> backend. Because you don`t want to spend this time you destroy the SANE1
> standard by creating a chaos.
> As you say 95% of the users are happy with SANE1. What you are doing now
> is to make 95% of the users unhappy.
> When you will do what you are talking about in the moment then I will
> have to think if I will spend any further time into the SANE project and
> into xsane. I know if I would continue the work for xsane in this case
> then I would have to spend 99% of my programming time to answer
> questions about incompatibilities and problems with the new
> "1.1-standard".
> In my opinion it is not fair to create so much problems for SANE1
> because you don`t like to spend some days to create SANE2 backends from
> the SANE1 backends.
> Please think about what you are doing.

Oliver- The changes we discuss are minimal and are not the default
output format for any backend. As such, they will not break existing
front-ends until the user enables some option. Even then, they will
only break a poorly written frontend. And so, it is my preference to
place these changes right in sane 1.0.

The idea to place them in sane 1.1 instead was purely a compromise to
make YOU happy. But it seems that you are not interested in a simple
upgrade path to help those remaining 5% of users, but instead want to
tell us all to convert our backends and front-ends to SANE2.

Please, meet us half-way, and stop using words like 'force' and
'chaos' in every discussion, and stop insisting that SANE2 is the only
means to extend sane. That tactic has not worked for the past 5 years,
and it does not work now.

"The truth is an offense, but not a sin"

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