I just purchased a HP M1005 MFP and the printing part is working fine
after installing foo2xqx.
Moving on to the scanner part - I have pulled off (CVS) the latest
version from the sane site as well as the latest hpljm1005.c and
compiled it successfully on my openSUSE 10.2 machine.
With some help from other forums I got it to list the scanner and do a
simple scan using scanimage.
My problem is that I had to create a file in /etc/sane.d/dll.conf and
place the string hpljm1005 in it, with this I can only scanimage when Im
root and in the /etc/sane.d/ directory. I would like normal users the
use the scanner.
Also I would like to have kooka see the scanner.

Anyone have some tips for me?

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