Quoting Emmanuel Counasse <manuc66 at gmail.com>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> Could you explain me what things in sane driver are really missing
> for supporting hp scanjet 2400 and what to do to add them ?
> Thanks
> St?phane VOLTZ a ?crit :
>> Le lundi 12 f?vrier 2007, Emmanuel Counasse a ?crit :
>>> Hi,
>>> I have activated debug information and attached to this mail the output of
>>> :
>>> scanimage -d genesys:libusb:001:005 2> debug.txt
>>> (see : http://www.sharebigfile.com/file/80076/debug-tar-bz2.html)
>>> The scanner has start its motor (make noise) but did not do anything, so
>>> I decided to stop scanimage by pressing CTRL+C because I don't want to
>>> damage my scanner's motor.
>>> What do you think about it ?
>>> You proposed me to send me scripts, documentation and log, in think it
>>> xould be ionteresting to look inside so you can send me them in private,
>>> thanks.
>>> Best regards.
>> Hello,
>> thanks for the data. I'll have it a look this week. I'll also post
> updated
>> information. Meanwhile, you may have a look at the code via tools such as
>> kscope to find all the occurences of the *_HP2300 defines where you'll
> have
>> to modify code to handle the HP2400.
>> Regards,
>> Stef
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