== Neuer Eintrag

-- Formular: 'adddev'

1. Your email address:
   'steletch at free.fr'
2. Manufacturer (e.g. "Mustek"):
3. Model name (e.g. ScanExpress 1200UB):
   'ScanJet G4010'
4. Bus type:
5. Vendor id (e.g. 0x001):
6. Product id (e.g. 0x0002):
7. Chipset (e.g. lm9831):
8. Comments (e.g. similar to Mustek 1234):
   'Seems lot of scanner are using this chipset, marked as 'may be supported by 
genesis' under the supported device list.

At the moment, no more information (scanner listed, but no driver so far).'
9. Data (e.g. sane-find-scanner -v -v):
   '<device descriptor of 0x03f0/0x4505 at 007:004 (Hewlett-Packard HP Scanjet 
G4000 Photo series)>
bLength               18
bDescriptorType       1
bcdUSB                2.00
bDeviceClass          255
bDeviceSubClass       255
bDeviceProtocol       255
bMaxPacketSize0       64
idVendor              0x03F0
idProduct             0x4505
bcdDevice             5.00
iManufacturer         1 (Hewlett-Packard)
iProduct              3 (HP Scanjet G4000 Photo series)
iSerialNumber         12 (---SNIP---)
bNumConfigurations    1
 <configuration 0>
 bLength              9
 bDescriptorType      2
 wTotalLength         39
 bNumInterfaces       1
 bConfigurationValue  1
 iConfiguration       0 ()
 bmAttributes         192 (Self-powered)
 MaxPower             10 mA
  <interface 0>
   <altsetting 0>
   bLength            9
   bDescriptorType    4
   bInterfaceNumber   0
   bAlternateSetting  0
   bNumEndpoints      3
   bInterfaceClass    255
   bInterfaceSubClass 255
   bInterfaceProtocol 255
   iInterface         0 ()
    <endpoint 0>
    bLength           7
    bDescriptorType   5
    bEndpointAddress  0x81 (in 0x01)
    bmAttributes      2 (bulk)
    wMaxPacketSize    512
    bInterval         0 ms
    bRefresh          0
    bSynchAddress     0
    <endpoint 1>
    bLength           7
    bDescriptorType   5
    bEndpointAddress  0x02 (out 0x02)
    bmAttributes      2 (bulk)
    wMaxPacketSize    512
    bInterval         0 ms
    bRefresh          0
    bSynchAddress     0
    <endpoint 2>
    bLength           7
    bDescriptorType   5
    bEndpointAddress  0x83 (in 0x03)
    bmAttributes      3 (interrupt)
    wMaxPacketSize    1
    bInterval         8 ms
    bRefresh          0
    bSynchAddress     0

<trying to find out which USB chip is used>
    checking for GL841 ...
<This USB chip looks like a GL841 (result from sane-backends 1.0.18)>

found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0 [Hewlett-Packard], product=0x4505 [HP Scanjet 
G4000 Photo series], chip=GL841) at libusb:007:004

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