On Wed, 2007-05-23 at 13:05 -0400, scott lorberbaum wrote: > Has anyone worked on or been working on a backend for this scanner??? > > USB 2.0. > ADF > Flatbed Scanner > etc... > > I've been looking into it and I know the web page says its unsupported. > It is a fairly new Scanner. I started to mess around with it myself but > I'm not sure I can write the backend!! > > It seems to me that when I plug it in and look at the Vendor ID's, 2 of > them goto Microtek, and 1 of them goes to genesys.. Does this mean there > is a genesys chip inside of the scanner and they manufactured the device > and Microtek is the Seller?? > > Anyways, if anyone has done any work for the backend for this scanner > let me know, or if you have any information that could help me produce a > backend for this scanner a little quicker let me know. Thanks. > Scott > >
Try sane-find-scanner -v -v for more information, and output lsusb -v -v add information to http://www.meier-geinitz.de/tinc?key=rDoQ7lrj&formname=adddev so more information is added to the unsupported list -- -------- m.vr.gr. Gerard Klaver