Am Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007 11:15 schrieb Simon Glass:
> Hi,
> Now that I am able to build SANE (thanks Alan, but no I have no idea
> about libtool) I have the FI-5750C working. It's a wonder to behold.
> However, I am puzzled by an error that I get. It seems that if I try to
> scan a page larger than the setting I have for the ADF size then I get
> an error 4 (Unknown Error).
> Further to that, if I try to scan A3 (even with the right ADF setting) I
> get error 4. Maybe it is something slightly wrong with the paper size.
> Any ideas on this one?
> Another point is that the scanner seems to pause after some pages. Not
> every time, it might scan 6 pages and then pause for a second. But it is
> quite noticeable. I wonder if that is SANE or Fujitsu...

That's a fujitsu problem. You'll see the same behaviour with windows and twain. 
I guess the scanner scans faster than it can transmit the data via usb/scsi. 
scanner has some memory where it can buffer some data. If it's full the scanner 
an recalibrates. 


Geschaeftsfuehrer: Dipl.-Inform. Christopher Asp
Amtsgericht Mannheim HRB 105845

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