
on 2006-12-03 I wrote:
> ...there seems to be a problem with device.close()

It might be that this is specific to the driver from Brother 
(brscan-0.2.1-0.i386.deb) for the 
MFC3420C. I recently did some tests with a Canon LiDE30 (plustek-backend 
shipped with SANE) and 
JSane worked fine.

Also another problem I have with the MFC3420C (see 
http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/sane-devel/2006-July/017297.html) did 
not occur with the 


Jens Gulden schrieb:
> Hello Andi,
> nice work. Just to mention: when I run ScanPage (with the server-name 
> and options adopted to my setup), there seems to be a problem with 
> device.close(). The first time, the image gets scanned correctly and is 
> shown in the JFrame which pops up, but a second run fails with:
> Scanning a page
> uk.org.jsane.JSane_Exceptions.JSane_Exception_Invalid: Invalid operation
>         at 
> uk.org.jsane.JSane_Exceptions.JSane_Exception.getException(JSane_Exception.java:53)
>         at 
> uk.org.jsane.JSane_Net.JSane_Net_Device._open(JSane_Net_Device.java:235)
>         at 
> uk.org.jsane.JSane_Net.JSane_Net_Device.open(JSane_Net_Device.java:88)
>         at uk.org.jsane.JSane_Frontends.ScanPage.<init>(ScanPage.java:66)
>         at uk.org.jsane.JSane_Frontends.ScanPage.main(ScanPage.java:119)
> Also, scanimage says:
> scanimage: open of device net:;dev1 failed: 
> Invalid argument
> This can only be fixed by disconnecting the scanner's USB cable and 
> reconnect it again.
> The device is a Brother MFC3420C with the driver delivered by Brother, 
> brscan-0.2.1-0.i386.deb. The server runs on Debian packages libsane 
> 1.0.16-4, sane 1.0.14-1 and sane-utils 1.0.16-4.
> Btw, closing the JFrame after the first run does not terminate the 
> application, I have to manually kill it. Don't know if that's the normal 
> behaviour.
> This is not a problem for me because I don't practically use JSane, but 
> I thought you'd like to know.
> best
> Jens
> Andi McLean schrieb:
>> In case any body is interested, I've just released version 0.8 of JSane.
>> It is now under the LGPL, It contains a few improvements suggested by 
>> users, also experimental GUI code for reading and setting options and 
>> performing a scan.
>> I've also (finally) updated the website. There is now a couple of 
>> tutorials on using JSane, with another one on using the GUI dialogs 
>> coming soon.
>> Many thanks
>> Andi

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