I followed the instructions I found here 
(http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108256), which gave a little bit more 
information about setting up udev.

I got some better activity and feedback, from this command :

SANE_DEBUG_SNAPSCAN=255 scanimage -L

However, it hangs at sane_snapscan_get_devices, with the following
output from the process :

[snapscan] atomic_usb_cmd(0,0xbfea70ce,6,0x0,0x0 (0))
[snapscan] usb_cmd(0,0xbfea70ce,6,0x0,0x0 (0))
[snapscan] usb_cmd: cmdlen=6, datalen=0
[snapscan] usb_write: writing:  0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
[snapscan] Written 6 bytes
[snapscan] usb_read: reading:  0xfb 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
[snapscan] Read 8 bytes
[snapscan] 2nd read 4 write 2
[snapscan] snapscani_init_device_structure()
[snapscan] sane_snapscan_get_devices (0xbfea8298, 0)

and after some time the process starts to take up 100% CPU.

What I want to know is if the snapscan backend on its own is enough to
drive the scanner, or do I always need the iscan shared libraries from
the Avasys website, and if yes, what is the best place to install them ?

Thanks and regards,

Jurgen Defurne

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