

I just bought an Avision AV220 scanner and I'm trying to get it going on

RedHat ES 4 (2.6.9-5.EL). When I run sane-find-scanner, it finds the

device at libusb:002:005. When I run scanImage -L, no scanners are

detected. I put things in debug mode and I got the following output. I'm

suspecting that the kernel has laid claim to the scanner. How do I get

SANE to control the scanner or should I do something else????

The permissions for /proc/bus/usb/002 are 777 and 666

for /proc/bus/usb/002/005


Thanks for the help!


[avision] sane_init: parsing config line "usb 0x0638 0x0a23"

[avision] sane_init: config file line 23: trying to attach USB:`usb

0x0638 0x0a23'

[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x0638, product=0x0a23

[avision] attach:

[avision] attach: opening libusb:002:005

[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: trying to open device `libusb:002:005'

Check that you have permissions to write to 002/005 and, if you don't,

that you set up hotplug (http://linux-hotplug.sourceforge.net/)


USB error: could not claim interface 0: Device or resource busy

[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: libusb complained: could not claim interface

0: Device or resource busy

[sanei_usb] Maybe the kernel scanner driver claims the scanner's


[avision] attach: open failed (Device busy)

[avision] sane_init: Trying to find USB device 638 a27 ...

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From an...@pfeiffer.edu  Thu Jun 29 15:19:48 2006
From: an...@pfeiffer.edu (m. allan noah)
Date: Thu Jun 29 15:21:15 2006
Subject: [sane-devel] Kernel claiming device?
In-Reply-To: <020001c69b8b$51822180$5f00a...@rx30.com>
References: <020001c69b8b$51822180$5f00a...@rx30.com>
Message-ID: <pine.lnx.4.61.0606291117310.8...@limos.pfeiffer.edu>

try it as root. if this works, then you have a permissions problem on the 
usb files in /proc. if you change the perms by hand, it will work, 
but only until you next reboot or unplug the device. hotplug/udev can be 
used to change these permanently.


On Thu, 29 Jun 2006, Kerry Menzel wrote:

> Hi,
> I just bought an Avision AV220 scanner and I'm trying to get it going on
> RedHat ES 4 (2.6.9-5.EL). When I run sane-find-scanner, it finds the
> device at libusb:002:005. When I run scanImage -L, no scanners are
> detected. I put things in debug mode and I got the following output. I'm
> suspecting that the kernel has laid claim to the scanner. How do I get
> SANE to control the scanner or should I do something else????
> The permissions for /proc/bus/usb/002 are 777 and 666
> for /proc/bus/usb/002/005
> Thanks for the help!
> [avision] sane_init: parsing config line "usb 0x0638 0x0a23"
> [avision] sane_init: config file line 23: trying to attach USB:`usb
> 0x0638 0x0a23'
> [sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x0638, product=0x0a23
> [avision] attach:
> [avision] attach: opening libusb:002:005
> [sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: trying to open device `libusb:002:005'
> Check that you have permissions to write to 002/005 and, if you don't,
> that you set up hotplug (http://linux-hotplug.sourceforge.net/)
> correctly.
> USB error: could not claim interface 0: Device or resource busy
> [sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: libusb complained: could not claim interface
> 0: Device or resource busy
> [sanei_usb] Maybe the kernel scanner driver claims the scanner's
> interface?
> [avision] attach: open failed (Device busy)
> [avision] sane_init: Trying to find USB device 638 a27 ...

"so don't tell us it can't be done, putting down what you don't know.
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