St?phane VOLTZ schrieb:

>       So I think you should try to tune this value to exactly match your 
> scanner. 
> In the geometry settings, chage 'Start of scan area in mm (y_offset)' to a 
> value like SANE_FIX (1.0), and decrease it until the scanned picture doesn't 
> miss the very top of the scanning area. Since scanning succeeded with an 
> offset (-t 2), a value of SANE_FIX(0.0) should work.

ok, it works fine with a value of 0.0 with the current CVS snapshot (no
"head crash" any more without the -t parameter):

SANE_FIX (0.0),              /* Start of scan area in mm (y_offset) */

Thanks for your assistance!


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