Sorry, there were many typos in pixma.desc in my last email. Here is the 
corrected version.

Wittawat Yamwong
Hannover, Germany
-------------- next part --------------
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
;  keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).
; See doc/descriptions.txt for details.

:backend "pixma"                  ; name of backend
:version "0.11.0"                 ; version of backend (or "unmaintained")
;:new :yes                         ; Is the backend new to this SANE release?
                                  ; :yes or :no
;:manpage ""                      ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url ""; ; backend's web page

:devicetype :scanner              ; start of a list of devices....
                                  ; other types:  :stillcam, :vidcam,
                                  ;               :meta, :api

:mfg "Canon"                   ; name a manufacturer
:url "";

:model "PIXMA MP150"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1709"
:status :basic

:model "PIXMA MP170"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x170a"
:status :basic

:model "PIXMA MP450"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x170b"
:status :basic
:comment "Scanner makes loud noise at 600 DPI."

:model "PIXMA MP500"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x170c"
:status :basic

:model "imageCLASS MP730"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x262f"
:status :minimal

:model "PIXMA MP750"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1706"
:status :untested

:model "PIXMA MP760"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1708"
:status :untested

:model "PIXMA MP780"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1707"
:status :minimal
:comment "Scanner hangs when cancel while it scans."

:model "PIXMA MP830"
:interface "USB"
:usbid "0x04a9" "0x1713"
:status :minimal

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