      Just got Canon LiDE 25 scanner to test it. I then plug it to FC5
system and lsusb shows its usb ids. Then i downloaded today's snapshot from
CVS and installed both sane-backend and sane-frontend 1.0.17 version and
then used scanimage -L is shows
device 'plustek:libusb:002:002' is a Cnon LiDE25 USB flatbed scanner
then i used xsane and command line scanimage but in both cases head is
making noise and not at all moving but i am getting half left part as balck
and halg left part as white image.
what is the reason that its not working?
     I also went thru' some archive and found i need to recompile
sane-backend with --disable-locking i did that successfully but still not
able to scan a image.
Any suggestions.......
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From henn...@meier-geinitz.de  Mon Apr 17 12:45:25 2006
From: henn...@meier-geinitz.de (Henning Meier-Geinitz)
Date: Mon Apr 17 12:47:39 2006
Subject: [sane-devel] Umax Astra 2100U corrected calibration, again
In-Reply-To: <200604161154.24151.pales...@cgocable.ca>
References: <200603311305.45924.pales...@cgocable.ca>
Message-ID: <20060417124525.ge6...@meier-geinitz.de>


On 2006-04-16 11:54, Patrick Lessard wrote:
> I've corrected the calibration for the 2100U. (again!)
> Here is the source code.

Thanks again. I have just committed your code to CVS.


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