Hi Jose !

I have a canon MP150 and Christopher Albert suggested me to have a look 
at http://cmp750.berlios.de/ and to compare my usbsnoop-logs with his 
logs in order to see if there is something common between the MP150 and 
the MP750.
At this time, I just captured logs with usbsnoop, but I didn't took the 
time to compare them with Christopher' logs (as I am not familiar with 
the USB protocol). 

Best regards


Jose Juan Iglesias Rebollo a ?crit :

> Hi all!
> I'd like to contribute to SANE by writing a back-end for my Canon 
> Pixma MP450 -well..., for all of them-. I've just started
> sniffing the USB traffic, I've got some ideas and limited knowledge, 
> mainly about scanning protocols.
> As you certainly know, the Canon MP450 is one of those multifunction 
> printers with scanner that can operate to some extent without
> a PC. It can initiate the scanning process in several ways:
>    Scan and open the image with an application.
>    Scan and store the image in the PC in jpg.
>                                                          in PDF.
>    Scan and send the image via e-mail.
> My intention, as a first stage, would be to write a back-end that 
> receives the image scanned by the MP450 and decides which action
> to perform over the image. I assume that the MP450 doesn't convert the 
> scanned image to, i.e., PDF. Is there any existing back-end with this
> kind of behaviour?
> I've seen that Christopher Albert is already working in a back-end for 
> the MP750. Maybe both printers use the same protocol and should be 
> supported
> by the same back-end. I've already asked him to translate his notes to 
> English.
> Any help would be appreciated!!
> Kind regards.

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