On Thursday 24 November 2005 21:19, Andi McLean wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm the maintainer of JSane-Net
> One of my users, is having a problem with the Avision driver and JSane-Net,
> When he runs my Tester program, it hangs. I have tracked it down and it
> seems that the Avision Driver is setting an option to type bool with a
> range for a constraint. (The scanner buttons).
> Surely this should be, a constraint of none.
> Can someone please advise is this a valid paring?

Oh - this is not intended code left over from initial testing.

Can you try this:

--- avision.c   (revision 284)
+++ avision.c   (working copy)
@@ -5627,8 +5627,7 @@

       s->opt[i].unit = SANE_UNIT_NONE;
       s->opt[i].size = sizeof (SANE_Word);
-      s->opt[i].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE;
-      s->opt[i].constraint.range = 0;
+      s->opt[i].constraint_type = SANE_CONSTRAINT_NONE;
       s->val[i].w = SANE_FALSE;

I can commit this soon if it files your problem and does not cause others 
issues during testing on my side.


Ren? Rebe - Rubensstr. 64 - 12157 Berlin (Europe / Germany)
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From ro...@users.sourceforge.net  Fri Nov 25 14:50:37 2005
From: ro...@users.sourceforge.net (Ron Hunter-Duvar)
Date: Fri Nov 25 14:50:44 2005
Subject: [sane-devel] Canoscan LiDE 25 detected by find-scanner,
        not scanimage
In-Reply-To: <eef4bad00511250244k5a46199du10d6c69b7d1f4...@mail.gmail.com>
References: <eef4bad00511210647r7d6695e5y69e30e31372f5...@mail.gmail.com>
Message-ID: <200511250750.38070.ro...@users.sourceforge.net>

On November 25, 2005 03:44, Chris wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just checked the output of 'sane-config --libs' on the Ubuntu box
> where the scanner works correctly. It gave exactly the same output and
> works fine - so it doesn't seem like those missing libraries are
> causing the problem.
> Both boxes are running essentially identical software so the only
> differences between them are that, on the box that doesn't work, there
> is a TV card and the CVS sane version I used was a few days newer (Nov
> 20).  Has something changed in the code recently that might cause
> this?  Could the presence of a tv card be causing the problem?
> Many thanks,
> Chris

Some expert will probably jump in with a better explanation, but yeah, I read 
in one of the man pages that a TV card can interfere. Sane is capable of 
treating a TV card as a scanning device (doing frame capture, I presume). If 
it picks this card up as the first scanning device, it will be the default. 
There's something you need to do to change the default scanning device.

Sorry, I'm not more specific, but I'm a sane-newbie (that is, a newbie to 

ronhd at users dot sourceforge dot net

Opinions expressed here are all mine.

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