
> I don't think the sensors is defective, because it works very well
> on Windows2000 with the Epson software. And I have try the quality
> calibration with no result.

Hm - I don't think so. Quality calibration (i.e. the option named 
"Quality calibration", not "Quality scan") was disabled for the 3490 
until now. 

> Could you explain the calibration process with much details. Is it
> possible that the calibration process be different whith snapscan
> backend than with the epson software ?
> I mean : the position of the calibration is done under the controle
> of the firmware, or under the controle of the backend ?

There was no quality calibration at all done for the 3490 up to now. 
That is to say, no quality calibration where the backend was 
involved. I don't know if the firmware does some "simple" quality 
calibration that may explain the green line.

I've now adapted the quality calibration code for the 2480 and enabled 
it for the 3490. It's a pitty that you solved the problem already ;-) 
otherwise it would be nice to know if quality calibration solves it, 

The code is in CVS now, it should show up in the snapshots tomorrow - 
please test.


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