
On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 04:06:03PM +0100, Juan Jose Pablos wrote:
> I had opened a bug about this scanner,  and I had put all the 
> information that I could find as you suggested on your documents:
> https://alioth.debian.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=302515&group_id=30186&atid=410366

Thanks. This info is now (partly) included on our website.

I'm afraid that the "documentation" from Genius doesn't really help as
it's just the usual marketing speak and a description of the windows

> now, I do not know how to continue. It looks like the chip is a wm8196 
> from  wolfson microelectronics, 

The Wolfson chip is most probably the analogue frontend, no the actual
scan chip.

> but I do not know which backend should be used .

Your sane-find-scanner output clerly says that it's a Genesys GL841
chipset. So the genesys backend should be used.

> Can anyone have a look and point me to the right direction?

take some hours and read everything in the archive of this list about
the genesys backend, especially about the version in experimental CVS.


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