Henning Meier-Geinitz <henn...@meier-geinitz.de> writes:

> Hi,
> On Mon, Nov 07, 2005 at 09:53:26AM -0500, Shelby Neuhouser wrote:
>> I have an Epson 4490 scanner. What can I do to help in the development of
>> the driver for it. I am willing to open the unit to get chip set info if it
>> is needed. I am running Suse 9.3 64 bit.
> The comment in our lists says: "Unsupported. Support is planned for
> the epkowa backend. USB vendor/product ID info: 0x04b8/0x0119".
> Maybe Olaf Meeuwissen can comment on this?

Yes, I can.  This scanner will be supported with iscan-1.18.0, but it
requires a binary-only DFSG-non-free module that will only be released
for IA32 machines.

Seeing that Shelby is using a 64bit machine that's of no use unless
one doesn't mind running in 32bit emulation mode (requires a 32bit

FWIW, this scanner uses a protocol that is, eh, not unlike that used
by the 3170 and the 4180.

> If this were not valid anymore, you could look at the "contributing"
> section of the SANE homepage, send a report about this scanner and
> start programming a backend.

Hope this helps,
Olaf Meeuwissen                          EPSON AVASYS Corporation, LAN
FSF Associate Member #1962           sign up at http://member.fsf.org/
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