On November 2, 2005 12:56, Oliver Schwartz wrote:
> Hi,
> > I have a chance to pick up a used AGFA Snapscan 1212U from a friend
> > (he moved to XP and it's not supported, and gives dire warnings
> > against trying).
> >
> > I see that the support on both the current stable version and the
> > dev version is marked as "good". Is there any important features
> > known to be missing that stop it from being marked "complete"? Or
> > is it just because "complete" is hard to achieve/prove (I saw the
> > recent thread on the definitions of "good" and "complete")?
> >
> > Any particular positive or negatives experiences?
> There have been no reports from users for the 1212U in recent month,
> so I assume it works ok ;-)
> The maximum resolution for this scanner supported by the snapscan
> backend is 600 DPI, which is the optical resolution. As far as I know
> the stepper driver of the scanner supports 1200 DPI, so theoretically
> it's possible to have a resolution of 600x1200 DPI, but currently
> that's not implemented.
> There also is one open bug report for the 1212U:
> http://alioth.debian.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=300657&group_id=
>30186&atid=410366 However, I never got any details so this bug is not likely
> to be fixed (if it really is a bug).
> Once these two issues are solved I may be tempted to even change the
> status to "complete" ;-)
> /Oliver

Sounds good. I'm sure 600dpi will suffice for my purposes (mostly a way to 
photocopy small numbers of pages, instead of running out to find a real 
copier - I'm a telecommuter). Thanks.

ronhd at users dot sourceforge dot net

Opinions expressed here are all mine.

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