Hello Janusz,

you wrote:
> input and output files processed with `unpaper --layout double'

I guess you used '--layout double-rotated'? This is the setting with which I 
get the same results as 
Yes, there is a bug in the 'double-rotated' template. It has got broken in 
version 1.1, because the 
handling of sheet-sizes and page-sizes has changed a lot while making 1.1, 
which now confuses the 
'double-rotated' template. Thanks for noting this.

As a workaround, try adding '--sheet-size a4-landscape', this forces the sheet 
size to be correct in 
the end.

If you need to preserve the exact pixel-size of the images, '--sheet-size 
3516,2560' would be the 
workaround to do that, but please get a recent CVS version of unpaper.c and 
compile it to do this, 
because there is another minor bug in the 1.1 release which makes unpaper fail 
to parse simple pixel 
values in size-parameters (only the more complicated case with 
measurement-suffices like 
'12.34cm,23.45cm' works in the current 1.1 release). This is just a tiny bug 
already fixed in CVS.

(Btw., you may also want to add something like '--border 0,100,0,0 
--border-align top 
--border-margin 1.75cm' to get nicer results.)

...finally, let me apologize for the late answer. I have been moving to a new 
home in the past 
weeks, so I didn't have time for this.


Janusz S. Bie? schrieb:
> On Sun, 28 Aug 2005  Jens Gulden <m...@jensgulden.de> wrote:
>>unpaper version 1.1 has been released. unpaper is a tool for
>>post-processing scanned book pages.
> [...]
>>- The behaviour of the 'double' template, used with the --layout parameter
>>   by specifying "--layout double", has been changed slightly. The input
>>   images are no longer assumed to be rotated by 90 degrees, as they would
>>   be when scanned from paper with a usual ADF-scanner.
> Please have a look at 
>         http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/polszczyzna/unpaper/
> where I placed the input and output files processed with `unpaper
> --layout double'. I find it difficult to describe the results in
> words, but they are not correct. Am I doing something wrong?
> Best regards
> Janusz
> P.S. Thanks for your immediate answer to my question of 28th August.

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