On  3 Oct,  Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
>  Hi, 


> > After I'd made install in sane-backend then sane-frontend (and moved
> > aside the older versions and re-ren ldconfig), I did a "modprobe
> > scanner"
> Why? You just installed libusb so you NOT want the scanner module!

Okay, sorry.  I'm a complete novice when it comes to libusb.

>  > then "mount -t usbdevfs none /proc/bus/usb".  Then sane-find-scanner 
>  > reported the scanner: 
>  > .... 
>  > found USB scanner (vendor=0x04a9 [Canon], product=0x2220 [CanoScan], 
> chip=LM9832/3) at libusb:001:003 
>  > .... 
>  >  
>  > But scanimage -L didn't find it (as root).  I'll confess this is on a 
>  > very old system (RH 7.2, running kernel 2.4.28). 
>  Maybe because it's blocked by the scanner module. Try without (rmmod 
>  scanner). 

Thanks.  I just now tried that (checking that the scanner module was
gone), and tried again.  No difference.

>  If that doesn't help, send a log file (export SANE_DEBUG_PLUSTEK=255; 
>  scanimage -L). 

    # lsmod
    Module                  Size  Used by    Not tainted
    sr_mod                 15256   0  (autoclean)
    cdrom                  34016   0  (autoclean) [sr_mod]
    sg                     35332   0  (autoclean)
    8139too                16928   1 
    ne2k-pci                6176   0  (unused)
    ide-scsi               11584   0 
    nls_iso8859-1           3520   2  (autoclean)
    nls_cp437               5152   2  (autoclean)
    #  mount
    none on /proc/bus/usb type usbdevfs (rw)

    # export SANE_DEBUG_PLUSTEK=255
    # scanimage -L
    [sanei_debug] Setting debug level of plustek to 255.
    [plustek] sane_init: sane-backends 1.0.5
    [plustek] sane_init, ># Plustek-SANE Backend configuration file<
    [plustek] sane_init, >#<
    [plustek] sane_init, ># for multiple devices use<
    [plustek] sane_init, ># /dev/pt_drv0<
    [plustek] sane_init, ># /dev/pt_drv1<
    [plustek] sane_init, ># /dev/pt_drv2<
    [plustek] sane_init, >#<
    [plustek] sane_init, ><
    [plustek] sane_init, >/dev/pt_drv<
    [plustek] sane_init, >/dev/pt_drv<
    [plustek] attach_one: >/dev/pt_drv<
    [plustek] attach (/dev/pt_drv, (nil))
    [plustek] drvopen()
    [plustek] open: can't open /dev/pt_drv as a device
    [plustek] sane_get_devices (0xbfffe698, 0)
    No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different,
    check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the
    sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation
    which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).
    [plustek] sane_exit
    # ls -l /dev/pt_drv
    ls: /dev/pt_drv: No such file or directory
    # locate pt_drv

What is pt_drv?  How should I create that?  A Google search made me
wonder if it's a kernel module that's necessary.  I don't have it.
(I'm running 2.4.28)

A google search turned up this comment about sane-plustek:

       As mentioned before, the plustek_pp backend code can also  be  compiled
       and  installed  as  linux  kernel  module.  To do so, you will need the
       source-files of this sane-backend installation.  Unpack  this  tar-ball
       and go to the directory:
       Within this directory, you should find a script called:
       Now  if  your Linux kernelsources are installed correctly, it should be
       possible to build, install and load the module  pt_drv.   Please  note,
       that  the kernelsources need to be configured correctly.  Refer to your
       distributions manual on how this is done. As root user, try
       the script will try and get all necessary information about  your  run-
       ning kernel and will lead you through the whole installation process.
       Note: Installing and loading the can only be done as superuser.

Do I need a parallel port driver to access the USB scanner?!

Apologies if these are dumb questions.

> As Gerhard already mentioned:
> "NOTE: before compiling, always do a touch backend/plustek.c to make sure
>       the backend gets compiled..."
> > So I think I'm a bit out of my depth now, since I don't understand how 
> > plustek-usbdevs.c gets compiled (it only appears in the DISTFILES list).
> It's #included in the backend file.

Oh.  Shouldn't these dependencies appear in the backend/Makefile along
with the others?

Thanks for your help so far (and Gerhard's too)!


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