* Henning Meier-Geinitz <henn...@meier-geinitz.de> schrieb:


> Feature freeze for new SANE releases is announced on the sane-announce
> mailing list which is quite low traffic. After feature freeze there is
> usually two weeks to fix any remaining bugs.

okay, subscribed to it.

> > BTW:  I'm not quite happy with the situation that all drivers sit
> > in one huge package. I'd be more happy with separate packages for 
> > each driver. And I'd volunteer to do the splitoff.
> It's complicated enough to keep the backends and the low level stuff
> current in one package. It would be a nightmare if they were in single
> packages.

Dont think so. Of course we can assume that these packages only fit
together with matching releases.

The point is to get them built separately and put them into 
separate packages.

 Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux IT service

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