Thanks Henning,

I'll make the changes as indicated by you and others. Do you have any 
info about creating manual pages. I've never done that before.

Fred O.

Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:

>On Sat, Sep 24, 2005 at 07:45:45PM -0400, Fred Odendaal wrote:
>>I've put a patch file for the Lexmark X1100 backend on my website. 
>>Instructions for getting it are at 
>Ok, let's have a look (I only mention stuff that hasn't already been
>listed by other people):
>  - your email address is missing
>  - is missing (ok, for now it's ok but the final patch that should go
>    to CVS should have patched, not configure)
>  | $(addsuffix .lo,$(EXTRA_lexmark))
>  See below for comments.
>  | ../sanei/sanei_config2.lo
>  Are you sure that you need this (this is used for SCSI devices) 
>  | static SANE_String_Const mode_list[] = {
>  |   "Color", "Gray", "Black & White", NULL
>  | };  
>  "Lineart" is used in most backends instead of "Black & White". See
>  also include/saneopts.h:
>  #define SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_COLOR              SANE_I18N("Color")
>  #define SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_GRAY               SANE_I18N("Gray")
>  #define SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_LINEART            SANE_I18N("Lineart")
>  | SANE_Status
>  | init_options (Lexmark_Device * lexmark_device)
>  All functions that are not part of the SANE API must be either
>  static or start with "sanei_lexmark_". I would make everything
>  static and only rename the functions in lexmark-x1100.c that are
>  called from lexmark.c "sanei_lexmark_". Or, as a workaround, just
>  #include lexmark-x1100.c in lexmark.c and make everything but the
>  API functions static. See doc/backend-writing.txt for details.
>  | sane_init
>  In my experience it's a good idea to print the version/build number of
>  the backend in a DBG message. That way you always know what version
>  was used when you get a bug report. For an example, see gt68xx.c.
>  | in sane_start
>  | sane_get_parameters (handle, 0);
>  check return value?  
>  |if ((lexmark_device->params.lines == 0) ||
>  |    (lexmark_device->params.pixels_per_line == 0) ||
>  |    (lexmark_device->params.bytes_per_line == 0))
>  |  return SANE_STATUS_INVAL;      
>  A DBG message twelling what's wrong would be nice.
>  - no problems found
>One additional thing: You could write a test for the chipset used in
>these scanners in tools/check-usb-chip.c. That way it's easy to find
>out which other scanners also use the same chipset.
>Once you have implemented the changes mentioned here and you have a
>manual page, please provide another patch so the backend can be
>included into CVS.
>  Henning

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From  Sun Sep 25 20:35:55 2005
From: (Bertrik Sikken)
Date: Sun Sep 25 20:36:38 2005
Subject: [sane-devel] USB recordings MD6190 available
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

Lauri Pirttiaho wrote:
> Bertrik Sikken on Sun Sep 25 13:26:18 UTC 2005
>>Hi again,
>>I just noticed that many of the things I reported in my other
>>reply in this thread were already figured out by you in a thread
>>on the canoscan 3200 on june 26th 2005.
> Further things that I have figured out since then are e.g
> the following:
> -- values 0029 and 002a are a write/read pair that handle two integers
>    at addresses FB83/FB82 and FB81/FB80. These integers are used
>    later by the scan command (value 0030) but I don't yet know
>    for what.
> -- value 0080 returns a version number string

Hmm, haven't seen this one in the logs.

> -- values 00e1 and 00e0 are a write/read pair that access consecutive
>    bytes in the external 64K address space of the processor. High
>    addresses FE00-FFFF are peripherals (USB interface is at FE00-FE0B
>    but others I haven't figured out yet, except interrupt mask
>    for USB at FE15 and cause at FE17).
> -- values 002b and 002c are a similar pair as above but access
>    bytes at FB00 up. That area seems to be used as a parameter
>    buffer e.g. for the scan command.
> -- ie0 of the processor indicates USB traffic, ie1 is connected to
>    motor control and maybe something else.
> -- value 0040 returns state of a state machine driven by ie1 as its
>    first byte and I suspect that state machine to be the motor control.
>    The second byte is port 1 bit 0 which I suspect to be he head home
>    detector. Additionally there are 3 more bytes of info (I con't
>    know the meaning of these yet), 0xAA and then 0's.

I noticed some increasing number at bytes 2 and 3 and suspect that
this is the current line number of the carriage.

> -- There is some kind of clocked serial device connecter to processor
>    port 0 bits 5-7 -- it may be an EEPROM but maybe also something else.

Wow, you opened up the device and attached a 'scope?

> -- Also I know that the so-called mystery files contain parameters
>    that are written directly to HW registers but I don't know their
>    meanings yet.
> CanoScan firmware carries version number 0054 but the Medion
> one has 1228 (at the end of the file). Also the structure of the
> code is so much different that I suspect a driver for CanoScan
> may not work with the Medion scanner, but then, maybe it does.
> Have to check once we have some kind of test driver available...
>>How about creating a kind of 'reverse-engineered datasheet' for
>>this scanner (and similar ones) on the wiki page of Martin?
> That is being worked on but proceeds slowly, about 1 hour per night...

I made a start with the datasheet on Martin's wiki page.

> If someone wants to help with reading the firmware I can provide
> more details about tools to do the disassembly and code analysis.
> It would help if someone decompiled the Medion version of the
> firmware (doing manual detection of the C-compiler emit patterns 
> in the assembly code or write a tool to do that automatically).

I can have a try at that. I don't have any experience with the 8032
but I do have experience with other (similar) processors.

All the best,
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