On Sat, 17 Sep 2005, Martin wrote:

> I realize that all of this is guessing experimental work, and so I greatly 
> appreciate all of your input, ideas and suggestions.
> This is what the greater open source community is all about.
> I have a learned a lot from this discussion group that I never knew before. 
> So keep up the good open source work and effort, ladies and gentlemen.
> I'll keep trying different combinations and see what I come up with.
> Thank you again.
> -Martin


It should not be difficult to do this. Merely change one line of the 
config data for your camera and see what happens after each change. There 
are a total of eight possibilities in theory, but in practice I do not 
expect that your camera presents data which is interlaced. This cuts down 
the possibilities to four. To save you a minor amount of time and 
inconvenience, I reproduce the list in bayer.h:

typedef enum {
         BAYER_TILE_RGGB = 0,
         BAYER_TILE_GRBG = 1,
         BAYER_TILE_BGGR = 2,
         BAYER_TILE_GBRG = 3,
         BAYER_TILE_RGGB_INTERLACED = 4,         /* scanline order: 
..,G1,B1,G2,B2,... */
} BayerTile;

Your config data used one of these; IIRC it was the first one in the list. 
So you ought to test the others.

Again, you do _not_ need to re-install the entire libgphoto2 in order to 
test this. Just go into camlibs/polaroid, make the change, save the one 
file which was thus affected, and then right from there do make and make 
install, which will update _only_ the binaries affected by a change in 
that directory and nothing else and will finish within seconds.

Then download some photos. Then change the line again, re-install, 
download the photos again. Then again this cycle, and then again. It makes 
the procedure to go faster if you open two or three windows. The way I 
would do this is to open one window to camlibs/polaroid and open pdc640.c 
in my favorite editor. Make the change (refer to the list above if you 
need to), and _save_ the file (Do not exit from the editor, do not close 
the window). The next window should be open to camlibs/polaroid, too, and 
there you need to be root in order to do the make install. So, after you 
make the change of one line, move to window number two and do make 
install. The third window should be open to something like 
camera/bayer_tests (or whatever you want to call it). There, you can 
create four subdirectories called RGGB, GRBG, BGGR, GBRG, and for each 
choice of color "tiling" download the photos into the correct directory. 
With a standard installation, this will occur if you cd _into_ the 
relevant directory and run gphoto2 -P.  Then when you finished you can 
look at all four directories and compare the same photos, done four ways. 
It takes only a few minutes.

And thanks for sticking around to help until the job is finished. If 
people do not contact us and tell us about their new cameras and even if 
they do that and then do not help us to follow through, then we cannot add 
their cameras to the supported list. So by doing this you, too, are part 
of the open source community which you mentioned.

Theodore Kilgore

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