On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 04:30:40PM +0200, Julien BLACHE wrote: > Gerhard Jaeger <gerh...@gjaeger.de> wrote: > > Hi, > > > well that what I was afraid of. The driver needs > > some tweaking either at the overall clock-divider settings > > or the motor-speed stuff. I have no possibility to check > > as I don't have that device. > > Thanks Gerhard, maybe the submitter can do some tests ?
Sure, I could do that. One of you needs to help me a bit in how to easily and quickly compile and test a new version. I have the debian sources in ~/xxx/sane-backends-1.0.16 and when I typed something like "debbuild" I got a libsane_1.0.16-1_i386.deb . However, I have the impression that if I go and change a source file in there, and do the "debbuild" again, it will untar and patch the source files again, and undo my changes. Moreover, the build takes quite a while, even though I have a reasonably powerful workstation. So I would like to do "make" somewhere, so that "make" will figure out that only backends/plustek-usb.c has been changed, and that it only needs to rebuild from there. I'm happy then manuall copying over the ".so" file into my system directory. Tell me which parameters are most likely to need tweaking.... Roger. -- ** r.e.wo...@bitwizard.nl ** http://www.BitWizard.nl/ ** +31-15-2600998 ** *-- BitWizard writes Linux device drivers for any device you may have! --* Q: It doesn't work. A: Look buddy, doesn't work is an ambiguous statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Is it unemployed? Please be specific! Define 'it' and what it isn't doing. --------- Adapted from lxrbot FAQ