Hi sane developers:

I'm not sure why this isn't already included in libsane.usermap under
sane-backends/tools/hotplug/, but I needed it to have non-root scanner
access. I changed the libsane.usermap file from the 2005-07-27
sane-backends snapshot. Here is the diff output:

$ diff -u libsane.usermap.orig libsane.usermap
--- libsane.usermap.orig        2005-07-22 02:25:25.000000000 -0500
+++ libsane.usermap     2005-07-27 19:28:28.000000000 -0500
@@ -157,6 +157,8 @@
 libusbscanner             0x0003      0x04a5   0x20fe    0x0000
0x0000       0x00         0x00            0x00            0x00
  0x00               0x00               0x00000000
 # Visioneer|OneTouch 7600 USB
 libusbscanner             0x0003      0x04a7   0x0211    0x0000
0x0000       0x00         0x00            0x00            0x00
  0x00               0x00               0x00000000
+# Visioneer|OneTouch 7300 USB
+libusbscanner             0x0003      0x0444   0x0211    0x0000
0x0000       0x00         0x00            0x00            0x00
  0x00               0x00               0x00000000
 # Visioneer|OneTouch 5300 Scanner
 libusbscanner             0x0003      0x04a7   0x0221    0x0000
0x0000       0x00         0x00            0x00            0x00
  0x00               0x00               0x00000000
 # Visioneer|Microtek Scanport 3000

I'll also attach the patch (apply in sane-backends/tools/hotplug/ with
patch -p0 <libsane.usermap.patch.txt), and since I don't know if this
list allows attachments, here's a link to the patch:


-------------- next part --------------
--- libsane.usermap.orig        2005-07-22 02:25:25.000000000 -0500
+++ libsane.usermap     2005-07-27 19:28:28.000000000 -0500
@@ -157,6 +157,8 @@
 libusbscanner             0x0003      0x04a5   0x20fe    0x0000       0x0000   
    0x00         0x00            0x00            0x00            0x00           
    0x00               0x00000000
 # Visioneer|OneTouch 7600 USB
 libusbscanner             0x0003      0x04a7   0x0211    0x0000       0x0000   
    0x00         0x00            0x00            0x00            0x00           
    0x00               0x00000000
+# Visioneer|OneTouch 7300 USB
+libusbscanner             0x0003      0x0444   0x0211    0x0000       0x0000   
    0x00         0x00            0x00            0x00            0x00           
    0x00               0x00000000
 # Visioneer|OneTouch 5300 Scanner
 libusbscanner             0x0003      0x04a7   0x0221    0x0000       0x0000   
    0x00         0x00            0x00            0x00            0x00           
    0x00               0x00000000
 # Visioneer|Microtek Scanport 3000
From christop_ba...@yahoo.fr  Thu Jul 28 22:57:14 2005
From: christop_ba...@yahoo.fr (Baron Christophe)
Date: Thu Jul 28 23:04:23 2005
Subject: [sane-devel] about testprog for lide50: want to develop?
Message-ID: <20050728225714.92425.qm...@web26907.mail.ukl.yahoo.com>

I recently bought a lide35. I was not aware it
wouldn't work. 

Then I found the link on the "sane unsupported page".
I compiled, and it worked immediatly.

I read one the sane page that it would need 10-20
hours to write such a driver.

Sometime I waste 10-20 hour to make a driver or a
package work... And it doesn't work, sometime.

I read the C program, it seems quite straitforward.

Therefor I will try to manage to try to make some
other possibilities to this driver.


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