
On Thu, Jun 23, 2005 at 02:07:42PM +0530, Mohit Kumar wrote:
> I am working with HP ScanJet 6200C/6250C. When I display the options
> for scan area output is the following:
> tl-x Type:3 Min:0 Max: 14141852 Quant:1
> tl-y Type:3 Min:0 Max: 19456836 Quant:1
> br-x same as tl-x
> br-y same as tr-y
> However I feel that this value is incorrect because it is showing the
> type to be mm and how can the width or the scan height be that long? I
> mean it is physically wrong.
> Am I correct? Or am I misinterpreting something? Kindly let me know.

Check standard 4.2 (Data types). I guess that this options uses
SANE_Fixed. Try something like that:

double tlx = SANE_UNFIX(tl-x);


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