Janusz S. Bien schrieb:
> The original scans converted to DjVu

DjVu looks interesting (http://www.djvuzone.org/).
Thanks for that hint, I didn't know it before.

> Although the processing improved the images in some respects, in
> general the result seems to me less readable then the
> original.

The dirty artefacts around letters are strange. Do you think they 
originate from unpaper's processing?
I placed an unprocessed page from your djvu-file to


and processed it with

unpaper -vv --layout single --mask-scan-threshold 0.4 --black-threshold 
0.3 --border 0,100,0,0 03.pbm 03up.pbm

The resulting file is


Do you get the same result on your system from the same unpaper run?

(Btw, the additional '--black-threshold 0.3' is supposed to lead to 
slightly more saturated black color in the output. A matter of taste, I 

Hope that helps,

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