Bertrik Sikken <> wrote in message <>
> Tony van der Hoff wrote: [snip] > > I think the first thing to try is to update the kernel. > > Kind regards, Bertrik > Yay, Excellent, Bertrik, thank you very much for that pointer! I've updated my kernel from 2.6.8 to 2.6.11, and sane-find-scanner now identifies the scanner correctly over the USB. "scanimage -L" also gives the expected results: device `umax:libusb:001:015' is a UMAX Astra 2200 flatbed scanner OK, so far so good; again many thanks. The next problem is that attempting a scan with scanimage > image.pnm gives me sane-start: Error during devixe I/O "SANE_DEBUG_UMAX=255 scanimage -d umax" gives me a whole lot of guff, so the scanner is responding, but ultimately gets to: ... [umax] sending 3 * 4096 bytes of gamma data for RGB [umax] send_gamma_data [umax] using gamma download curve format type 2 [umax] Sending SCSI cmd 0x2a cdb len 10, param len 12294, result len 0 [umax] error in sanei_pv8630_bulkread (got a5) [umax] umax_send_gamma_data(DCF=2): command returned status Error during device I/O ... >From then on it all goes pear-shaped. Anyone got suggestions as to what the error means, and how to fix it? Version 1.0.14 here, fwiw. -- Tony van der Hoff | Buckinghamshire, England