
On Wednesday 27 April 2005 01:16, Union wrote:
> > This should not make any difference. The major difference is the
> > resolution you're working with! The preview does a scan at 75dpi and
> > therefore the motor-settings are different from the 300dpi settings.
> > I'm pretty sure, that the preview will give you the whining noise...
> > 
> > Anyway, I'll crosscheck that here again.
> > 
> > Ciao,
> > Gerhard
> > 
> In a past few days I throughly tested scanner and amazingly not once it get 
> stuck or something similiar. It scanned fine all the way to 1200 dpi (I 
> didn't try more, but 1200 dpi is scanner hardware limit anyway). Preview 
> also works fine (as before). 
> My whole process was: 
> 1. I was using 1.0.15 (I get a lot of troubles with motor stucknes etc.)
> 2. I uninstall 1.0.15 and manually install snapshot (15. 04. 2005)
> 3. Uninstall snapshot (make uninstall), make ebuild of snapshot and emerge 
> it.
> 4. Again uninstalled it (unmerge, beacuse not been able to scan with 14 bit 
> depth) and install stable version (1.0.15) with portage and now, as said, 
> everything goes fine.

good to hear! But why couldn't you scan @ 14bit with the snapshot?
Try use the extended options for setting the bit-depth.

> Hmm, just one thought...
> I am pretty sure that when I first compiled 1.0.15 I added USB support 
> (afterall, astranet is usb scanner), but in step 4 I didn't add it. Maybe is 
> that reason that everything works now. Very curious ;)...
> PS: emerge is a way to normally install programs on gentoo distribution 
> (just for those who don't know what that is :).

Hmmm, it's not quite clear to me what really happens, but I'm sure, that
is has nothing to do with the backend-code itself (famous last word ;)



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