Hi Stef,

Thank you for answering my question. I cannot imagine that endpoint 0x82
isn't a bulk write endpoint on GL841. There is a successful bulk write
in my trace using endpoint 0x82. It is after genesys_create_slope_table:

[genesys] genesys_bulk_write_register (size = 162)
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_control_msg: rtype = 0x40, req = 4, value = 130,
index = 0, len = 8
[sanei_usb] 0000: 01 11 00 00 A2 00 00 00
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_write_bulk: trying to write 162 bytes
[sanei_usb] 0000: 01 20 02 30 03 1F 04 13 05 40 06 18 07 00 08 01 .
[sanei_usb] 0010: 09 03 0A 05 0B 07 10 00 11 00 12 00 13 00 14 00
[sanei_usb] 0020: 15 00 16 33 17 05 18 31 19 2A 1A 00 1B 00 1C 00
[sanei_usb] 0030: 1D 02 1E F0 1F 01 20 10 21 08 22 10 23 10 24 08 ......
[sanei_usb] 0040: 25 00 26 00 27 D4 28 01 29 FF 2C 02 2D 58 2E 6E
[sanei_usb] 0050: 2F 6E 30 00 31 40 32 2A 33 F8 34 40 35 01 36 00
[sanei_usb] 0060: 37 00 38 2A 39 F8 3D 00 3E 00 3F 01 52 13 53 17
[sanei_usb] 0070: 54 03 55 07 56 0B 57 0F 58 23 59 00 5A C1 5B 00
[sanei_usb] 0080: 5C 00 5D 00 5E 00 60 00 61 00 62 00 63 00 64 00
[sanei_usb] 0090: 65 00 66 11 67 00 68 51 69 20 6A 40 6B FF 6C 00
e.f.g.hQi j@k.l.
[sanei_usb] 00A0: 6D 01
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_write_bulk: wanted 162 bytes, wrote 162 bytes

I've another question about genesys_low.h.  Are the /* USB control
message values */ the endpoints in the USB device or is this something

Thanks for helping


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