--0-1779646603-1103894895=:96128 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Id: Content-Disposition: inline
Martin, Thanks for your note. I believe my fstab now looks as you suggest. I don't notice any improvement with my scanner problem though. It is attached again, just in case I still have something wrong. When I run sane-find-scanner, even as root, I get No USB scanners found. If you expected something different, make sure that you have loaded a driver for your USB host controller and have installed a kernel scanner module. After a run of sane-find-scanner, syslog includes modprobe: FATAL: Module sg not found. modprobe: FATAL: Module ide_scsi already in kernel I believe the scanner still didn't work when I did have sg compiled in the kernel. Maybe I should try putting it back in? Thanks for your help. Susan --- Martin Deppe <martin.de...@web.de> wrote: > Hi Susan, > > I had a look into your fstab and compared it with > mine. Maybe you like > to try the different versions of lines I put into > the attached file. Let > me know what it results in, Ok? > > Good luck > Martin __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com --0-1779646603-1103894895=:96128 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=fstab Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Description: fstab Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=fstab L2Rldi9oZGExIC8gZXh0MiBub2F0aW1lIDEgMQpub25lIC9kZXYvcHRzIGRl dnB0cyBtb2RlPTA2MjAgMCAwCi9kZXYvc2NkMCAvbW50L2Nkcm9tIGlzbzk2 NjAgZGV2PS9kZXYvY2Ryb20sdXNlcixkZXYsc3VpZCxleGVjIDAgMAovZGV2 L2ZkMCAvbW50L2Zsb3BweSB2ZmF0IG5vYXV0byx1c2VycyAwIDAKL2Rldi9o ZGE1IHN3YXAgc3dhcCBkZWZhdWx0cyAwIDAKcHJvYyAvcHJvYyBwcm9jIGRl ZmF1bHRzIDAgMAp1c2JmcyAvcHJvYy9idXMvdXNiIHVzYmZzIG5vYXV0byAw IDAK --0-1779646603-1103894895=:96128--