There was only this one .bin file in the Windows driver package. The 
whole Windows driver package is exactly the same for both models.

When I llok at the scanners itself, the base parts are identical (only 
exception the "2480" and "2580" printed on them. Only the lids are 
different, the 2480 with only a transparency light and the 2580 with 
automatic film feeder (for 35-mm film).


Oliver Schwartz wrote:
> Hi,
>>Coomand line was:
>>SANE_DEBUG_SANEI_USB=255 SANE_DEBUG_SNAPSCAN=255 scanimage > 1.pnm
>>2> eps2580debug2.log
>>[snapscan] snapscani_usb_open(libusb:001:037)
>>[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: trying to open device `libusb:001:037'
>>USB error: failed to open /proc/bus/usb/001/037: No such file or
>>[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: can't open device `libusb:001:037': No
>>such file or directory 
> hm - it seems the USB device disappeared during firmware upload. That 
> certainly shouldn't happen, but there's little that the backend can 
> do about it.
> I'm not sure if esfw41.bin is the correct file for the 2580 at all. 
> Maybe it needs a different firmware file. Is there another one 
> installed with the windows driver?
> /Oliver

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