there has been much discussion in the past, but everyone seems too busy to 
actually get anything in writing. search the archives of the sane mailing 
list, there where several threads about it in the earlier part of this 
year, IIRC.


front end polling a backend via asking for updates on certain OPTs seems 
to be the consensus. details that need work: how to identify which opts, 
recommendations for how frontends could display that data, and does the 
backend need to be able to specify the polling interval. how the buttons 
are affected by the network scanner locking code also seems like a good 
topic for discussion.


On Sat, 9 Oct 2004, Ullrich Sigwanz wrote:

> Hi all,
> Are there thoughts /ideas/implementations for including the button
> handling in SANE (resp. SANE2) in a standardized way?
> (e.g. a polling daemon, callbacks to start applications etc.)
> Regards
> Ullrich
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