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--1386613362-1823208418-1108492835=:16899 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed attached is a perl script i wrote, it only works with benoit's usb sniffer, not the usbsnoopy or snoopypro that you get from source forge. allan On Tue, 15 Feb 2005, Bertrik Sikken wrote: > corwin wrote: >> Hi, >> >> I have a CanoScan 3200F (Product Id : 2216) and this scanner are not >> supported by sane. >> But i'm very interresting for write a back end. >> >> I use "usb snoopy log" for extract usb log under WinXP. And I had writing a >> perl script (based on awk Thomas Soumarmon's script) for genrate c code for >> replaying log-script under linux (debian, 2.6.9). >> For the moment I reading libusb documentation and my first objective is to >> write a small program (sane independant) for activate the scanner. >> >> But actually i'm completly lost into the log data and i don't know how to >> begin !!! > > Zip the logs and put them somewhere on your webpage (if you have one), > then post a link to the mailing list. This way, other people with > previous experience in decoding logs can try to see if there is > something that matches an existing protocol. > >> So my questions : >> >> Have you a methodology for extract information of data log ? > > I think that there is no fixed methodology, you just have to be a > little creative. > > In my experience it helps to look for patterns in the log, like: > * are there some USB transfers that always appear in some particular > order? > * some scanners use a "register model", which means that initialising > the scanner consists of several write(register, data), which each > can consist of several USB transfers. See if this applies to your > scanner and find out the sequence to read or write a scanner register. > * record lots of logs, where each time a single thing is changed, for > example record a log of starting the scan software, record a log for > a scan of 150 dpi, record a log for 300 dpi. If there is an option > to turn the scanner lamp on or off, record a log of this. > > For some scanners, the settings are sent using USB control transfers > or rather small USB bulk transfers. Try to concentrate on these small > transfers and don't bother too much yet about the bulky USB bulk > transfers that contain the image data. > >> Where can I found script (perl, ..) for parsing and cleaning log data ? > > I don't know of a central place for log analysis scripts. > >> Have you trics ? >> >> ludovic (corwin) >> >> >> ps: I don't know the model of chips into the scanner and i don't open this >> because it is one plastic box and there are no visible screw... >> pps : I'm very sorry for my poor english :( >> > > Kind regards, > Bertrik > > > -- "so don't tell us it can't be done, putting down what you don't know. money isn't our god, integrity will free our souls" - Max Cavalera --1386613362-1823208418-1108492835=:16899 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: <> Content-Description: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" IyEgL3Vzci9iaW4vcGVybA0KDQojIHNpbXBsZSBsb2cgcmVmb3JtYXR0ZXIg Zm9yIGJlbm9pdCdzIHNuaWZmdXNiLmV4ZQ0KIyBwdWJsaWMgZG9tYWluLiBi eSBhbm9haEBwZmVpZmZlci5lZHUNCg0KdXNlIHN0cmljdDsNCg0KbXkgJGNv dW50PTA7DQpteSAkbGFzdFVyYkxUaW1lPTA7DQpteSBAYnVmZmVyOw0KDQp3 aGlsZSAobXkgJGxpbmUgPSA8U1RESU4+KSB7DQoNCiAgICAgICAgaWYgKCAk bGluZSA9fiBtLz4+Pi8gKSB7DQogICAgICAgICAgICBkdW1wZXIoQGJ1ZmZl cikgaWYgJGNvdW50Ow0KICAgICAgICAgICAgQGJ1ZmZlciA9ICgpOw0KICAg ICAgICAgICAgJGNvdW50Kys7DQogICAgICAgIH0NCiAgICAgICAgaWYgKCAk bGluZSA9fiBtL1VzYlNub29wLyApe25leHQ7fQ0KICAgICAgICBwdXNoKEBi dWZmZXIsJGxpbmUpOw0KDQp9DQpkdW1wZXIoQGJ1ZmZlcikgaWYgJGNvdW50 Ow0KDQpzdWIgZHVtcGVyIHsNCg0KICAgIG15ICRkaXI9J291dCc7DQogICAg bXkgJHR5cGU9J0MnOw0KICAgIG15ICRkYXRhPSgpOw0KICAgIG15ICR1cmI9 MDsNCiAgICBteSAkZXA9Jyc7DQogICAgbXkgJGZUaW1lPTA7DQogICAgbXkg JGxUaW1lPTA7DQoNCiAgICBmb3JlYWNoIG15ICRsaW5lIChAXykgew0KDQog ICAgICAgIGlmKCRsaW5lID1+IG0vXFsoXGQrKSBtc1xdIC4qIFVSQiAoXGQr KSBnb2luZyBkb3duLyl7DQogICAgICAgICAgJGZUaW1lPSQxOw0KICAgICAg ICAgICR1cmI9JDI7DQogICAgICAgICAgcHJpbnQgIlxucGF1c2UgIiAuICgk ZlRpbWUtJGxhc3RVcmJMVGltZSkgLiAiIG1zXG5cbiI7DQogICAgICAgIH0N CiAgICAgICAgZWxzaWYgKCAkbGluZSA9fiBtL1VTQkRfVFJBTlNGRVJfRElS RUNUSU9OX0lOLyApIHsNCiAgICAgICAgICAkZGlyPSdpbic7DQogICAgICAg ICAgJGRhdGE9KCk7DQogICAgICAgIH0NCiAgICAgICAgZWxzaWYgKCAkbGlu ZSA9fiBtLy0tIFVSQl9GVU5DVElPTl9CVUxLX09SX0lOVEVSUlVQVF9UUkFO U0ZFUi8gKSB7DQogICAgICAgICAgJHR5cGU9J0InOw0KICAgICAgICB9DQog ICAgICAgIGVsc2lmKCAkbGluZSA9fiBtL1BpcGVIYW5kbGUuKmVuZHBvaW50 ICgweFxkKykvKXsNCiAgICAgICAgICAkZXA9JDE7DQogICAgICAgIH0NCiAg ICAgICAgZWxzaWYgKCAkbGluZSA9fiBtIC8gIChbMC05YS1mXXs4fTogKShb MC05YS1mIF0qKS8gKSB7DQogICAgICAgICAgcHVzaChAeyRkYXRhfSwgJDEg LiAkMik7DQogICAgICAgIH0NCg0KICAgICAgICBpZiAoICRsaW5lID1+IG0v XFsoXGQrKSBtc1xdLyApew0KICAgICAgICAgICRsVGltZT0kMTsNCiAgICAg ICAgfQ0KDQogICAgICAgICRlcD1+cy9eMHgwKy8vOw0KICAgIH0NCg0KICAg IGlmKCRkaXIgZXEgJ2luJyl7DQogICAgICAgIHByaW50ICJVcmIgJHVyYiAo JHR5cGUpIGVwPSRlcCAocmVhZCkgIjsNCiAgICB9DQogICAgZWxzZXsNCiAg ICAgICAgcHJpbnQgIlVyYiAkdXJiICgkdHlwZSkgZXA9JGVwICh3cml0ZSkg IjsNCiAgICB9DQogICAgcHJpbnQgJGxUaW1lLSRmVGltZSAuICIgbXNcbiI7 DQoNCiAgICBmb3JlYWNoIG15ICRsaW5lIChAeyRkYXRhfSkgew0KICAgICAg ICAgICAgcHJpbnRmKCIgJXMiLCAkbGluZSk7DQogICAgICAgICAgICBwcmlu dCAiXG4iOw0KICAgIH0NCg0KICAgICRsYXN0VXJiTFRpbWU9JGxUaW1lOw0K DQp9DQoNCmV4aXQgMDsNCg== --1386613362-1823208418-1108492835=:16899--