Fedora is very similar to RedHat 9, so this should not cause any=20
I cannot help you with the HP device, but I can probably help you to get
the EPSON scanner to work again.

The most common problem for SCSI scanners is that the permissions on the
/dev/sg? device are not correct. An indication for this is that you can
scan as root, but not as normal user. If this is the case, just use the
chmod command to change the permissions of the file:

chmod 666 /dev/sg0

Replace /dev/sg0 with the device you are using. I fyou don't have any=20
SCSI devices, it will be /dev/sg0.

If this is not the reason, please do the following in a terminal window:

xsane > /tmp/scan.log 2>&1

This will log all communication between the scanner and the backend,=20
some more debug information about the state of the backend. Please email
this file to me.

Karl Heinz

On Feb 27, 2004, at 10:24 AM, Paul Frisson wrote:

> Hello,
> I installed fedora linux, with xsane 0.91
> When I try to launch Xsane, the answer is that no scanner is =
> I have a epson GT 5000 (SCSI) which worked well under the Red Hat 9
> version and a HP G55 (printer + scanner) - connected on the parallel
> port - which is new and works 'normally' under windows.=A0 Under =
> the printing is OK, but I could not make the scanner work.
> None of the 2 scanners is detected when I start XSANE.
> Any help welcome, I'm rather new in linux, so my question might sound
> stupid but I am really stucked.
> Thank you
> Paul Frisson

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