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 name="Re: [sane-devel] Canon 5000F driver"
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Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2004 11:34:13 +0100
From: Thibault North <>
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To: Matthew Duggan <>
Subject: Re: [sane-devel] Canon 5000F driver
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<> <>
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Thanks for your answer. I hope they will understand that maybe one day 
they will need to have Linux support...
Anothrt question: the driver for this scanner is OS X compatible. OsX is 
based on UNIX, isn't it ? If I could get that code, I would perhaps be 

Matthew Duggan wrote:

> Once you've done that, assume that they'll refuse to answer all
>questions, and start reverse-engineering.
>- Matthew Duggan
Reverse-engineering ? Often heard about it, but don't really know how it 
works. Do you have URL's about it ?



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