On Fri, Jul 02, 2004 at 11:10:51AM +0200, Tim O'Callaghan wrote:
> Hello again.
> I have so far had no luck at all at capturing the EPP control traffic to 
> the scanner cartridge. I installed the portmon application, but it so 
> far has not caught anything.
> Anyway, I was wondering two things.
> 1. does anyone have experience with LPT/EPP control traffic capture 
> under wine?
> 2. if there was a contact or email address at cannon i could try asking 
> nicely?
> Tim.

G'day Tim,

If it's anything like the parport driver we experienced for the FB
series parport scanners, it's a custom ECP parport driver which is
installed along with the twain driver, that's why the portmon program
doesn't have any luck capturing the data.  We (well, mostly Simon) ended
up doing silly hardware capture techniques to extract the data:


There might have been an easier way but oh well :)

As for someone at Canon to contact, we had no luck on that front.  Feel
free to try again, attitudes may be changing etc.  Also keep in mind that
most of the Canon branches outside of Japan are just sales companies, so
they probably wouldn't even know what a driver is :)


- Matthew Duggan
(canon_pp occasional maintainer)

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