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Hi, finally I have made a new function in sane-desc to get an xml

I think that only have to send the patch, if there is any problem please
email me, this is the first time that I make something similar..


Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=sane-desc-xml.patch
Content-Type: text/plain; name=sane-desc-xml.patch; charset=ISO-8859-1
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--- sane-desc.c Thu Jun 24 13:43:48 2004
+++ sane-desc.c.new     Thu Jun 24 11:55:34 2004
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
 typedef enum output_mode
   output_mode_ascii = 0,
+  output_mode_xml,
@@ -308,6 +309,11 @@
              DBG_INFO ("Output mode: ascii\n");
              mode = output_mode_ascii;
+         else if (strcmp (optarg, "xml") ==0)
+           {
+             DBG_INFO ("Output mode: xml\n");
+             mode = output_mode_xml;
+           }
          else if (strcmp (optarg, "html-backends-split") == 0)
              DBG_INFO ("Output mode: html-backends-split\n");
@@ -1609,6 +1615,193 @@
     }                          /* while (be) */
+/* Print an XML list with all the information we have */
+static void 
+xml_print_backends (void)
+  backend_entry *be;
+  be = first_backend;
+  while (be) 
+    {
+      url_entry *url = be->url;
+      type_entry *type = be->type;
+      if (be->name)
+       printf ("<backend name=\"%s\">\n",be->name);
+      else
+       printf ("<backend name=\"*none\">\n");
+      if (be->version)
+       printf ("<version>%s</version> \n", be->version);
+      else
+       printf ("<version>*none*</version>\n");
+      if (be->new)
+       printf (" NEW!\n");
+      if (be->manpage)
+       printf (" <manpage>%s</manpage>\n", be->manpage);
+      else
+       printf (" <manpage>*none*</manpage>\n");
+      if (url)
+       while (url)
+         {
+           printf (" <url>%s</url>\n", url->name);
+           url = url->next;
+         }
+      else
+       printf (" <url>*none*</url>\n");
+      if (be->comment)
+       printf (" <comment>%s</comment>\n", be->comment);
+      else
+       printf (" <comment>*none*</comment>\n");
+      if (type)
+       while (type)
+         {
+           switch (type->type)
+             {
+             case type_scanner:
+               printf (" <type>scanner</type>\n");
+               break;
+             case type_stillcam:
+               printf (" <type>stillcam</type>\n");
+               break;
+             case type_vidcam:
+               printf (" <type>vidcam </type>\n");
+               break;
+             case type_meta:
+               printf (" <type>meta</type>\n");
+               break;
+             case type_api:
+               printf (" <type>api</type>\n");
+               break;
+             default:
+               printf (" <type> *unknown* </type>\n");
+               break;
+             }
+           if (type->desc)
+             {
+               url_entry *url = type->desc->url;
+               printf ("  <desc>%s</desc>\n", type->desc->desc);
+               if (url)
+                 while (url)
+                   {
+                     printf ("  <url>%s</url>\n", url->name);
+                     url = url->next;
+                   }
+               else
+                 printf ("   <url>*none*</url>\n");
+               if (type->desc->comment)
+                 printf ("   <comment>%s</comment>\n", type->desc->comment);
+               else
+                 printf ("   <comment>*none*</comment>\n");
+             }
+           else if (type->type >= type_meta)
+             printf ("  <desc>*none*</desc>\n");
+           if (type->mfg)
+             {
+               mfg_entry *mfg = type->mfg;
+               while (mfg)
+                 {
+                   model_entry *model = mfg->model;
+                   url_entry *url = mfg->url;
+                   printf (" <mfg name=\"%s\">\n", mfg->name);
+                   if (url)
+                     while (url)
+                       {
+                         printf ("  <url>`%s'</url>\n", url->name);
+                         url = url->next;
+                       }
+                   else
+                     printf ("  <url>*none*</url>\n");
+                   if (mfg->comment)
+                     printf ("  <comment>%s</comment>\n", mfg->comment);
+                   else
+                     printf ("  <comment>*none*</comment>\n");
+                   if (model)
+                     while (model)
+                       {
+                         url_entry *url = model->url;
+                         printf ("   <model name=\"%s\">\n", model->name);
+                         if (model->interface)
+                           printf ("    <interface>%s</interface>\n", 
+                         else
+                           printf ("    <interface>*none*</interface>\n");
+                         if (model->status == status_unknown)
+                           model->status = be->status;
+                         switch (model->status)
+                           {
+                           case status_minimal:
+                             printf ("    <status>minimal</status>\n");
+                             break;
+                           case status_basic:
+                             printf ("    <status>basic</status>\n");
+                             break;
+                           case status_good:
+                             printf ("    <status>good</status>\n");
+                             break;
+                           case status_complete:
+                             printf ("    <status>complete</status>\n");
+                             break;
+                           case status_untested:
+                             printf ("    <status>untested</status>\n");
+                             break;
+                           case status_unsupported:
+                             printf ("    <status>unsupported</status>\n");
+                             break;
+                           default:
+                             printf ("    <status>*unknown*</status>\n");
+                             break;
+                           }
+                         if (url)
+                           while (url)
+                             {
+                               printf ("    <url>%s</url>\n", url->name);
+                               url = url->next;
+                             }
+                         else
+                           printf ("    <url>*none*</url>\n");
+                         if (model->comment)
+                           printf ("    <comment>%s</comment>\n", 
+                         else
+                           printf ("    <comment>*none*</comment>\n");
+                         model = model->next;
+                         printf("   </model>\n");
+                       } /* while (model) */
+                   else
+                     printf ("   <model name=\"*none*\" />\n");
+                   printf(" </mfg>\n");
+                   mfg = mfg->next;
+                 }             /* while (mfg) */
+             }
+           else if (type->type < type_meta)
+             printf ("  <mfg>*none*</mfg>\n");
+           type = type->next;
+         }                     /* while (type) */
+      else
+       printf (" <type>*none*</type>\n");
+      printf("</backend>\n");
+      be = be->next;
+    }                          /* while (be) */
 /* Generate a name used for <a name=...> HTML tags */
 static char *
 html_generate_anchor_name (device_type dev_type, char *manufacturer_name)
@@ -2296,6 +2489,9 @@
     case output_mode_ascii:
       ascii_print_backends ();
+      break;
+    case output_mode_xml:
+      xml_print_backends();
     case output_mode_html_backends_split:
       html_print_backends_split ();


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