Hello Luca, there is no such function in xsane. I do not see a reason for this functi= on. When you close the scan program you normally do not leave the paper/photo on the scanner. Even if you leave it there can not be sure that it still is exactly at the same place.
Oliver On Wednesday 03 March 2004 11:45, Luca Clemente wrote: > Hello, > I am using sane from many years with the xscanimage interface for w= hich > I have found really useful the option "preserve-preview" available to > preserver the previous preview. We are now switching to the xsane > interface, but I have not found in the Preferences and neither in the > configuration file any chance to have the same function. Is anybody abl= e to > help me and give me some answer on this matter. Thank you in advance > Dr. Clemente Luca - T.I.M. Srl > Via D. Alighieri, 5/a I-33080 Puja di Prata (PN) - Italia > Tel +39-0434-621900 > Fax +39-0434-610427 > HTTP: www.zerobase.it > e-mail: luca.c...@zerobase.it --=20 http://www.xsane.org http://www.rauch-domain.de http://www.sane-project.org