
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 10:16:03AM +0700, Bondan D. Abraham wrote:
> I have Umax Astra 1220S with PCI SCASI Card. I tried to install under RH9 as
> written in http://www.sunbirds.com/support/Astra1220S.shtml. I searched and
> found the sane-1.0.3, but i could'nt find the sane-umax-1.0.4-build-25, so i
> downloaded the sane-umax-1.0.5-build-31. After make install, when i tried to
> find-scanner, the scanner was not found. Was it because of the
> sane-umax-1.0.5 does not support the scanner or something else? Should i use
> the sane-umax-1.0.4? How can i uninstall the previous failed installation?
> Can anybody help me on this. Thanks a lot.

All the SANE versions you mention are extremely old. Why don't you
just use the current one (1.0.12) or at least a more recent one than

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