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attached you find a very small patch that applies to the kooka V. 0.40
source, that probably fixes the problem, that your can not switch the
scanning source.

Can you (or anybody else) apply the patch, compile and try?



> >
> > Well, the ADF support in Kooka is still very buggy. That is mainly
> > because I do not have a Scanner with ADF support. Sorry.
> > If you could try to describe the problem more in detail, I can try
> > to help you. Please consider to update Kooka, 0.35 is quite outdated,
> > you should try to update to version 0.40 (although that does not solve
> > the ADF-problem probably, but some others).
> In the following environment, it tested immediately.
>  Redhat: V9
>  Kooka: V0.39 (KDE-3.1-10).
> However, the result was NG.
> Kooka resets to ADF.
> Kooka is updated to 0.40.
> And i try.

                                               Klaas Freitag
                              Internal Tools - SuSE Linux AG

Content-Type: text/x-diff;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="kooka-0.40.dif"

--- libkscan/scanparams.cpp
+++ libkscan/scanparams.cpp     2003/07/03 15:21:29
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@
         adf = d.getAdfBehave();
         /* set the selected Document source, the behavior is stored in a 
membervar */
-        so.set( sel_source.latin1() ); // FIX in ScanSourceDialog, then here
+        so.set( QCString(sel_source.latin1()) ); // FIX in ScanSourceDialog, 
then here
         sane_device->apply( &so );
         kdDebug(29000) << "Dialog finished OK: " << sel_source << ", " << adf 
<< endl;


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