
        I've tried to install the beta backend for hp5400 in mandrake
and slackware without any success until now.
        Although I can see the scanner (twice ???) with

        found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0, product=0x1005) at
        found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0 [hewlett-Packard],
product=0x1005 [HP Scanjet 5400C Series] at libusb:004:002

        When i try the scanimage -L command i still get the "No
scanners were identified.

I've tried to activate usbfs in /etc/fstab but it 's not working
either; any ideias on how to make it work? Thanks in advance!

This is the main reason I'm still "glued" to windows, since I've never
managed to make this model work under linux with Sane... I think I'll
have to sell this one and try to get another scanner, linux "friendly" :(

Best regards,

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