Hi Theodore,

I'm not sure that the Artec 1236 contains a LM983x chipset. I got this
information from the National Semiconductor Driver sources, where there
are some settings for this scanner, but up to now, I've not seen this
The check for the chipset, you might download the check-usb-scanner
utility, which should be able to check for LM983x and GT68xx:

If it turns out to that the Artec includes a LM983x, it should be no big =
to patch the Plustek backend for the correct settings - should work bette=
than the 670 because I had less problems with the CCD than with the CIS


On Dienstag, 29. April 2003 23:27, Theodore Kilgore wrote:
> Henning,
> A friend of mine has an Artec 1236USB which we are trying to set up. Th=
> vendor/product number is 0x05d8 0x4001. I thought it used a GT chip, an=
> indeed the Windows side of my friend's machine did install the
> gt68xx(something).usb file and another, similar file in the winnt
> directory.
> However, when I could not get it to work easily I started to search
> around. I have found on the web page about the gt68xx status that
> 0x05d8 0x4002 comes in many disguises and is supported, but 0x05d8 0x40=
> is "another chip." Searching further, I found a letter from Gerhard Jae=
> to sane-devel which says that Artec 1236 has an LM983x chip inside (mor=
> or less like my Canon N670U that we all had so much fun with). So I tri=
> editing the /etc/sane.d/plustek.conf file to get scanimage -L to see th=
> scanner, but still no luck.
> So I would say that I am looking for further guidance from those more
> knowledgeable.  First, is this scanner really a GT68xx chip or an LM983=
x ?
> What is the current level of knowledge about it?
> I think I might be able to interest this guy in further testing.
> The machine is running Slackware-9.0, with the "stock" sane package, wh=
> is release 1.06. Kernel version is 2.4.20.
> Incidentally, the same setup runs my Canon N670U quite nicely. Thanks f=
> all of the help over the last year!
> Theodore Kilgore
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