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On Fri, Apr 25, 2003 at 08:45:13PM +0200, Till Kamppeter wrote:

> Will someone else at Red Hat do it or will the patch be removed from the=
> Red Hat kernels?

Red Hat doesn't ship this patch.  Perhaps someone at Mandrake should
take over maintenance of it. ;-)

> Anyone on the list who wants to overtake the maintainership of this=20
> patch so that parallel scanners stay supported under Linux?

FWIW, I already asked several times last year on the linux-parport
list, but there was no response.

> Tim, can you make a tarball of the web site and the downloadable
> stuff before you shut down the site, so that it can be moved to a
> new place?

Easier for me to just not shut it down.  I don't tend to remove stuff
unless I need to.


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