On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 07:19:33PM +0100, Yann E. MORIN wrote:
> Hi all!
> A little bit out of schedule (well, my previous post was too big for thelist,
> but I _was_ in time!!! ;-] ) are the new french translations! (attached).
> I have made a small (g)awk script (attached) to check the completeness of
> .po files. Here are the results (last few lines):
> ----
> [--snip--]
> [.tmp/umax_pp.c:611](2617) "Sets red channel highlight"
> [.tmp/umax_pp.c:624](2621) "Sets green channel highlight"
> [.tmp/umax_pp.c:637](2625) "Sets blue channel highlight"
> Translated     :  520 (92.7%)  (of which 7 fuzzy ( 1.3%))
> Not translated :   41 ( 7.3%)
> Total          :  561
> ----
> Between brackets are the first filename that appears on the last line begining
> whith "#: " just before the 'msgid' line. The number between parenthesis is
> the line in the .po where the untranslated 'msgid' appears.
> Not translated are mainly due to the lack of words for 'dither', and for
> description of methods, such as 'Bayer 4x4' wich I leaved untouched.
> What I'm still missing is a good translation for 'highlight'. Anyone?

        I gave the name 'highlight' to this option, because of the specs of the
scanner. UMAX says that this scanner has shadow/highlight settings. I'm not 
the option name is really exact.
        The 'highlight' option increase the dynamic range of the samples. By 
if samples for a given color range from 56 ro 180, when 'highlighted', the
samples will range from 30 to 197. I don't know the right word for it in 
but in french I'd call it 'contraste'.


> I'd very much appreciate you french readers review this file, as well as
> give {missing,better} translations where appropriate.
> Regards,
> Yann.
> -- 
> .-----------------.--------------------.------------------.--------------------.
> |  Yann E. MORIN  | Real-Time Embedded | /"\ ASCII RIBBON | Erics' 
> conspiracy: |
> | +0/33 662376056 | Software  Designer | \ / CAMPAIGN     |  ___              
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> | web: ymorin.free.fr | SETI@home  882 | / \ HTML MAIL    |   v   conspiracy. 
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> °---------------------°----------------°------------------°--------------------°
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