
Really strange - the HP 5300 works perfectly here.

Could you send my a log obtained by "export SANE_DEBUG_AVISION=3D7"
executed in a shell where you also execute the SANE binary (see my
homepage for more details).

Maybe your scanner has a different firmware (maybe older) containing
some strange bug. The log will show ;-)

On: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 11:11:28 +0100,
    Francois van Doorneveld <franc...@vandoorneveld.org> wrote:
> Hi Rene
> =

> Both scanimage & xsane give slanted scans. The preview option in xsan=
e =

> doesn't work
> properly (the scan head doesn't move).
> =

> When starting a scan when the lamp isn't warm yet, the scan will fail=

> somehow too. (Seems
> the speed is off then).
> =

> The main problem though, is the image header being off by one in widt=
h, =

> both in scanimage and xsane.
> =

> Best regards,
> Francois
> =

> Rene Rebe wrote:

- Ren=E9

--  =

Ren=E9 Rebe - Europe/Germany/Berlin
e-mail:   rene.r...@gmx.net, r...@rocklinux.org
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